Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Website

It is finally DONE! - Please take a look at my WEBSITE

Creating this has been very time consuming, but I am really happy with the result.  This is my first website and I have learned a great deal while creating it. 
Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!


  1. Katherine, I loved your wordle in the shape of an apple on your homepage! Clever! You acknowledge that “no two students are exactly the same”, acknowledging that teacher need to differentiate. This is very important in the education world today and technology is a great tool in helping to differentiate. Great philosophy! In your resources list you have Kathy Schrock’s site which is a great tool for teachers (I speak from experience). If I were to make a suggestion, it would be to include more resources for both teachers and students.

  2. Katherine,
    I absolutely LOVED YOUR WORDLE in the shape of an apple! Too cute!It is so true that Photoshop can be a fun activity for students. By using pictures of student's own and pictures of historical places or settings, they can even become a part of history -which was so true for your digital story. I thought it was so well done and really great to watch. You have two adorable dogs! I also enjoyed going through your non-linear PowerPoint quiz on literary terms. I also really like that you used a picture of an eraser when the students were wrong, so they could go back and try again. Very creative! Best of luck to you!

  3. Hi Katherine, I love visiting your website. I think being a Library Specialist must be fun and enjoyable. People as you should know a little big of everything to conduct people for whatever they looking for in a library. Tha apple you show in your educational philosophy looks very provocative, take that out from there, i don not want a student take care of that next time you get the classroom.n You like dogs as me. I have one named Jackie, is fun having dogs, your one is so beautiful and look very sane and peaceful. . Your digital story telling mixing dog and seven wonders was one of my favorites, because for reason I was fun of reading everything about seven wonders when I was a teenager. Love to visit your website and blog again, . Sincerely, Congratulations, Jose.

  4. I really liked how you incorporated your dogs with the new Seven Wonders in your digital story. It is educational and really interesting, while adding a personal touch. It must have been a lot of work to photoshop all of those pictures! But it really turned out great. I also liked that you included in your Educational Philosophy that students are ultimately responsible for themselves. I wrote something similar in my philosophy because I strongly agree that educators need to instill more responsibility and independence in their students. We are not helping them at all by doing the opposite! Overall, I think your site turned out really well. Great job!

  5. Katherine,
    Really cool webpage. I liked all the hyperlinks you added, they are all eally good resources that we can all benefit from using. The only thing I noticed is that some of your links in your non-Linear Powerpoint didn't work. I really liked the font and simplicity of your site. It made it easy to to browse through. Your resource page also had lots of really good resources. Nice work!
