Sunday, September 18, 2011

About the Blog I Read

The Power of Technology Blog - This is a useful blog about Education Technology by Liz B. Davis, Director of Academic Technology at Belmont Hill School. Even just reading through the first few blogs there were several things that I took note of.  There was praise for Chip Health's Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard, I have been hearing about this book a lot lately, and need to read it!
This blog also had a really comprehensive "Ed-Tech Blogroll"
The most recent post was about the much lamented by the blogger and blog followers September 4th New York Times article: In the Classroom of Futures, Stagnant Scores It was an interesting article, and made me realize everyone is not in agreement with the importance of technology in schools. Working in a higher education environment where technology is at the center of everything and just starting out in the Educational Technology program, I haven't really read about any opposition to technology in education. The article claims that there is not a lot of research on the subject and the research that has been done "...does not establish a clear link between computer-inspired engagement and learning."Is this true? It is something I need to look further into.


  1. You raised an interesting point that not everyone agrees with integrating technology into learning. There is not a lot of research done on technology in education. I wonder when teachers should implement technology into instructions so that students will benefit and when it is better to use other methods of teaching.

  2. Great question, I think it is important to implement technology into instruction as early as kindergarten. Teachers can use technology to enhance their lessons, for example using digital storytelling.
